5 Tips For A Marketing Plan That Gets Results

In this blog we want to share with you our top 5 tips on creating a marketing plan that makes a difference.  In fact, it’s all about a plan that acts as your business driver!

Here's what you need to consider when setting out to develop a marketing plan that will support your business vision and help bring it to life.

1. Understand & Be Clear On Your Vision

Knowing your vision and being clear on that, coupled with an understanding of what you are solving for others is massive and makes a huge difference. Being able to articulate the impact you can have on others in terms of how you help them is a constant area of development. This is all centred around how you innovate, grow, refine your products and services and evolve yourself as a business.

Knowing what you are looking to deliver and how is vital. Being able to describe your business character and personality all comes into play here. If you are going to start telling your story then remember you are the author!

Be open to understanding how those that work with you may feel and keeping your senses open. Consider what are you looking to deliver and how you would like to be known. If you were having a cuppa with your own business, what kind of experience would you like to feel?

2. Build Your Plan With A Support Structure

Start with a framework that offers you stability. There is no doubt that in your business life you will encounter turbulent waters and things will come along that may rock the boat.

Equally, you have exciting plans and ambitions so for anything to be able to move forward, it can’t be affected by external factors that take it off course. A framework with commercial outcomes from the start gives you that instant solid foundation.

That said, it needs to be able to bend! During your business life you will need to be agile and at times pivot. The world throws us changes and responding to movement in the market as well world events is a powerful thing. Doing that whilst remaining in full control and on track is not always easy so having a framework means you handle it, react and keep going!

3. Make Sure Your Plan Is Visible To Those Who Are Supporting You

Whether it's just you in your business, or if you have a team, or if you use external resources, there will be others involved somewhere that are impacting on your business vision and how successful it is.

A marketing plan is the plan for the success of your business so it can’t hide away somewhere in a cupboard for 12 months! It needs to be visible and shared with those involved.

4. Have Clear Timelines & Goals

A great way to get started is to plan for each quarter. From there you can set out more precise dates.

We recommend that you use your marketing plan in team meetings and by checking it regularly, you are more likely to see the benefits of coordinated activity.

Each task will have impact in other areas so be clear on what you would like to do and allocate activity to quarters and check progress all the time. If you have started with a framework that has commercial outcomes, it’s a great way to track how your activity is impacting on those outcomes for your business.

5. Use It & Enjoy It Every Day!

Marketing is an operational process so, it will always be more effective if it is the plan at the heart of your business is worked on and nurtured daily. Once you start to see your marketing plan as your best marketing friend and you love being together – its such an enjoyable experience – trust us, you will feel epic and super motivated!

The range of benefits you can get for your business by having an amazing marketing plan are endless, if you would like to explore more around the benefits for your business, just get in touch for a free review and a chat.